These 5 Paintings Are Confronting Global Warming in a Subtle Way

In recent years, as wildfires ignite across the globe and ocean levels rise, artists have been faced with expressing their feelings in paint about the crisis of our times. We are seeing more Art and paintings confronting the global warming crisis, more than ever. We can feel the urgency in our bones to address social and political issues as we are vessels of society who soak it all in and pour it out onto the canvas. For me, I have felt the call and seen these issues subtly and subconsciously spill into in my art over the years. It is impossible to ignore, when you feel the heat and see the floods. Art can be a beacon of hope, lighting the way and compelling us to act. It most certainly compels me to paint, offering a beautiful and visual way to express my thoughts on the global conversation.

I decided to address global warming and climate change from the perspective of the polar bear. As these great white bears find their icy hunting grounds shrinking and they travel further afoot to search for food, they are adapting to new terrain in order to survive.

Here are 5 polar bear paintings confronting global warming;

Paintings Confronting Global Warming

1. Wanderlust – painting of polar bear and snow goose being carried by a family on a canoe.

polar bear paintings

2. King of The Polar Bears – painting of a polar bear riding on top of a Jeep.

Paintings Confronting Global Warming

3. When Polar Bears Fly – painting of a polar bear jumping icebergs as they melt

Paintings Confronting Global Warming

4. Queen of The Polar Bears – painting of a female polar bear riding a Jeep through the prairies

Paintings Confronting Global Warming

5. Balance – painting of a polar bear balancing at the top of an iceberg raised by human hand on a platter

See more paintings addressing climate change and the Canadian experience.